
re-construction d'une colonne sans fin

 An artist is tirelessly piling up plastic cups in his studio. A dispositif ‘Reconstruction d’une colonne sans fin’ re-articulates the different objects used during this absurd action. When the fragile construction breaks down, the sound suddenly echoes in the surrounding space and imposes the rhythm of the action. Like most of my works, this dispositif challenges the viewer’s perception. Through an economy of means and a simplicity in its process this mediated experience is re-contextualised to question its validity; the artist shown in the video doesn’t do anything else than repeating the same action without any expression of feelings. While in his studio Duchamps used to turn a bicycle wheel for his pleasure; it became few years later part of an assemblage, the ‘reconstruction d’une colonne sans fin’ also echoes Brancusi’s obsession of regularly recording the states of his studio as a way to think through his practice.

Detail of ‘Reconstruction of an endless column’, monitor, video camera with LCD screen, plastic coffee cups, 2004/08. (The video performance is re-staged for each new exhibition). Quimper, 2004

About Me

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My concerns imply that the experience of an event and the reception of an artwork are the very source of an investigation. One could consider my actions as ‘glitches’ in particular situations; hence the works seek to question our ‘position’ as viewers but also as consumers of images. By referencing, combining and appropriating signs and imagery of our historical and popular culture without any hierarchy, I aim to create situations that are ‘bouncing’ between their simulation and their reality in which the viewer can experience an ‘alienating effect’. Therefore through a broad use of media, I try to explore and invent new uses for works, including audio or visual forms of the past.